1 (951) 956-9112 david@hanacoaching.com

We help you to blaze your own path

Leadership…It’s What We Do

Our expertise

We help you to succeed as a confident leader in the following areas.

🔸 Authentic Leadership
🔸 Mindset & Resilience
🔸 Executive Presence
🔸 Human Performance
🔸 Emotional Intelligence
🔸 Strategizing & Visioning
🔸 Cross-Cultural Proficiency

Leadership Coaching For Executives

We coach executives and executive-track professionals to become transformational leaders. In turn, they inspire others in their organization to do the same. We help you to expand your leadership capacity, achieve sustainable change in mindset, and feel empowered to lead with confidence.


  • Cultivate stronger, authentic leadership qualities for yourself and for those you lead
  • Accelerate your career while promoting positive morale
  • Learn to build executive presence and trust to get the most out of your team
  • Strengthen your resilience to overcome challenges
Leadership Coaching For Entrepreneurs

As a successful entrepreneur or business owner, you have overcome challenges on all fronts of business. However, like many entrepreneurs, you may find your business growth outpacing your leadership experience. We help you to transform your leadership skills, as well as implement systems, strategies, and action steps to align your vision with your business goals.


  • Gain the clarity you need as a business owner to lead and make decisions with confidence
  • Identify and implement leadership roadmap for team-building and business growth
  • Get the sounding board you need to validate your ideas into action
  • Count on us to keep you accountable to achieve your goals
Leadership Consulting

Leaders must understand their own skills and personalities, as well as their people, to produce the best results. We serve as your trusted advisor in leadership assessment and insight to get the most out of your leaders and teams.  


    • Identify strengths and potential areas for growth of individuals and teams to maximize performance
    • Receive 360° feedback to understand perceptions and differences, build trust, and promote positive work environment
    • Customized options

◽️ Shadowing:  This is an in-person or virtual observation of the leader in action, which allows for a deeper understanding of your capabilities.
◽️ Strategy Session: We offer 1-hour strategy sessions to discuss ideas related to leadership, team building and organizational culture based on the assessment.

What Can We Help You With Today?