by Hana Coaching & Consulting | May 12, 2022 | Leadership, Positive Mindset, Teamwork
Sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution. But we don’t always have the answers. The basketball game between Indiana and St. Mary’s during this year’s March Madness is a great example of a simple, yet uncommon solution. When the ball...
by Hana Coaching & Consulting | Jun 6, 2021 | Leadership, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Leadership Development, Positive Mindset
“What now, lieutenant?!” This phrase was seared into memory during my initial right of passage as a young Marine Corps officer. Training evaluators would yell into my ears as I navigated through the fog of tear gas and sounds of explosion....
by Hana Coaching & Consulting | Mar 17, 2021 | Leadership Development, Career Transition, Leadership, Leadership Coaching, Positive Mindset, Uncategorized
At some point in your professional journey, you may have been told to be more confident as a leader. Some of you may have given the same advice to your mentees. How did that work out, as a mentee or a mentor? Can you think of any tangible growth that resulted from...
by Hana Coaching & Consulting | Jan 11, 2021 | Leadership, Humor, Leadership Coaching, Leadership Development
What leadership traits are important to you? I’ve asked this question many times and I often learn something new. But there’s one leadership trait that I rarely hear in response. Humor. Humor is a great leadership trait because it embodies other attributes, like...
by Hana Coaching & Consulting | Dec 14, 2020 | Leadership, Leadership Coaching, Work Culture
A couple of months ago I noticed a small change in demeanor in one of my employees. I might have missed it had I not paid attention. During a weekly team meeting, he was staring down at his notes with a blank stare. His thoughts seemed elsewhere. I approached him...
by Hana Coaching & Consulting | Oct 26, 2020 | Leadership, Leadership Development, Work Culture
I was walking past a meeting of managers when I heard someone respond to a topic on COVID-19, “It’s kung flu, what do you expect?” My heart skipped a beat as I slowed down to observe the reactions through the glass wall. Some laughed, some chuckled uncomfortably, and...